(Koma of today)


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            Published by the Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana.

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1999b   Diphthongization in Konni: A Feature Geometry Account. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 20, pp. 21-39.

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2007b    Aspects of the Morphology and Phonology of Konni. Dallas: SIL International and the University of Texas at Arlington Publications in Linguistics.


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GILLBT (Ghana Institute of Linguistics, Literacy and Bible Translation, Tamale), see also Kpeebi

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            [Elephant and Hippo. Stories and Proverbs]


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            [Koelle's Koama are not the present Koma!]


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Kpeebi, Konlan (see also GILLBT)

1995a  The Koma Funeral Celebrations. An anthropological Paper. (7 pp. typescript).

1995b  How the Millstone is Brought to the House in Komaland. (1 p. typescript).

1996    Marriage among the Koma People of Northern Ghana. (5 pp. typescript).

1997a  Komiŋ di faarinana hogu dene [How Koma marry]. Ghana Institute of Linguistics, Literacy and Bible Translation (GILLBT), Tamale, 10 pp.

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1998    The Concept of the Supreme Being among the Koma People of Northern Ghana. Preliminary Studies. Presented 10-10-98. (9 pp. typescript).

2000    Witchcraft among the Koma People of Northern Ghana. GILLBT Seminar Week February 2000, (5 pp. typescript).

2001    Child Bearing among the Koma People. Presented by Konlan Kpeebi, GILLBT Seminar Week, 6-8 February 2001, (4 pp. typescript).

2002    Construction of a New House among the Koma People. Mother Tongue. A Newsletter of the Ghana Institute of Linguistics, Literacy and Bible Translation. 6 pp.

2003a  The Missing Soul (haaling) among the Koma People. Presented during a GILLBT Seminar Week 27 January - 1 February 2003.

2003b  Kung wuyiike koming sung [Death performances among the Koma]. Ghana Institute of Linguistics, Literacy and Bible Translation (GILLBT), Tamale, 16 pp.


Kpeebi, Konlan and Andrew Sayibu (ed.)

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             (first ethnographic publication; word-list Konni-English with approximately 2400 entries)


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